The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anthony J. McAllister, “The Great Anthdoni” (Anth-doo-knee), believes that video games have the ability to grant perspective and inform players. He believes that video games can allow individuals to teach themselves life lessons that cannot be traditionally taught, and that ultimately this can be used to improve the public, in doing so leading to a better world.
As a gamer, programmer, and math lover, Anthony has enjoyed digging deeper into all things game development, from software development to 3D modeling to sound design. Along the way, he was mentored by a myriad of kind instructors and gifted valuable tools at no cost to continue his journey. Most have never met him, but still their willingness to teach and aid others has allowed his success.
As founder of The Greats’ Works, Anthony recognizes that brilliance and creativity require kindness and open-source information and tools. The success of the individual is the works of the many; the great work is indeed the work of the Greats.
The Greats’ Works’s goal is to deliver thought-provoking and perspective-granting experiences through video games that foster positive outcomes for the player. Furthermore, The Greats’ Works seeks to fill a gap in the access to advanced game development topics via crafting understandable, educational videos and content that are accessible to the public.
Allow The Greats’ Works to aid and strengthen you on your journey to your own Great Work!